Lip Fillers
Five Point Guide

5 Things To Know Before Getting Your Lips Enhanced

The new formulations of lip fillers available today make enhancing your lips easier and more successful.

The newer products like Restylane Refyne and Defyne not only give you volume but also give your lips structure and flexibility. If done correctly, enhanced lips not only look natural but feel natural even to the kiss! Here are 5 things to know before your treatment that will ease the experience and minimize recovery time.

1Bruising is common because the lips are so vascular, so avoid things that make you bleed: aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E are the most common offenders, but be aware some foods like cayenne peppers, tumeric, and ginger can also increase your risk of bruising. Avoid taking these at least 1 week before your appointment.

2Pineapple healing. Believe it or not pineapple contain high concentrations of bromelain that is often prescribed to speed the clearance of bruising and decreases bruising and swelling. Buy a fresh pineapple in preparation for your treatment. Eat 2 slices a day for a week and you’ll be amazed how fast the bruising clears. BTW, this works for any bruising for any reason.

3It’s not just about size. Lips tends to lose structure, volume and plumpness with age. Bring a picture of your youthful self (a high school graduation photo will work) so you and your doctor can see what your lips used to look like. It’s easier to recover your lost youth when you have a target to shoot for. More important, trying to achieve a look that you never had, often leads to unnatural and undesirable results.

4Strenuous workouts increase swelling so avoid the gym on treatment day. Increased blood flow, heat, and strain (like weight lifting) will amplify your swelling so avoid it.

5 If you tend to get cold sores, tell your doctor ahead of time. Antiviral medications can be prescribed before treatment to reduce the risk of an outbreak.


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